Insurance litigation defense encompasses many different forms of civil liability, and thus offers a number of practice areas. The most common areas include auto accidents, homeowners insurance, workers' compensation and personal injury cases (such as slip-and-falls, defamation and mold exposure). Othe...
The criminal defense attorneys at Stephen G. Rodriguez & Partners are highly experienced in handling insurance fraud cases. With over 50 years of combined experience, we provide hands-on representation throughout the criminal process, from pre-file investigations to trial. If you are under investigat...
i continued to ask i cost and insurance i could be the oneali i could callwrite to i could drink this i could drop you back i could forgive i could not absent i could say nothing i could see i could stay awake ju i could try with a wa i could use the same i couldnt fall asle...
Indemnity insurance represents an important protection for businesses and professionals. In the event that a customer is dissatisfied with the company's work, this type of insurance will pay for the insured's legal defense and defray any settlement costs. This type of insurance is frequently used ...
re individuals or legal or public entities. The term is also used to address situations in which a company or government entity is weighing a decision such as whether to honor a claim for unemployment benefits or a health insurance claim. An adjudication in progress is still under review and ...
In this article, we will discuss one of the best defenses against data breaches or cyber-attacks. This defense is called an incident Response Plan. The response of the organization towards an incident is a key factor in deciding the ultimate impact of that incident. ...
Building an investment portfolio may require personalization and finesse, but it can also be ultra-simple.
Advanced analysis, often using AI, is used to spot anomalous behavior and act immediately to lock out intruders. Zero trust also takes a defense in depth approach. Defense in depth, sometimes called layered security, involves implementing various security controls at different points within a system...
Another common motivation is to gain access to personally identifiable information (PII), healthcare information, and biometrics to commit insurance fraud, credit card fraud or illegally obtain prescription drugs. Competitors may employ attackers to perform corporate espionage or overload your data centers...
Indemnification should not be confused with a warranty or insurance. Unlike the latter, it is not something you purchase; instead, it is an agreement between parties that ensures that one party pays the other for any losses or damage and may require that the other party to pay for a defens...