Astrain insulatoris anelectrical insulatorthat is designed to withstand the pull of a suspended electrical cable or wire. It is inserted between two lengths of the conducting wire, to isolate them electrically from each other. It is used in overhead electrical wire, to support radio antennas and...
Anoil circuit breakeruses mineral oil as the arc quenching medium. The oil hashigh dielectric strengthand good cooling properties. The contacts are immersed in an oil-filled chamber, which also acts as an insulator. When the contacts open, the arc is drawn in the oil and decomposes it into ...
As I mentioned above, a semiconductor has a dual property – conductor and insulator of electricity. This property depends on impurities added to the semiconductor material (Apure such materialis called an “intrinsic”). The impurities added to the material to change its electrical property are ca...
Semiconductors are a material with properties that fall between a good conductor (like metals) and a good insulator (like rubber). Depending on the conditions, semiconductors can be conductive or insulating. This ability to control the flow of electrical current in modern electrical devices, such ...
Electrical conductance of a conductor is defined as the capacity to store charge in it. Whenever charge is applied to an insulator its potential is raised to some certain level. Charge on a conductor and its electric potential are both directly proportional to each other. So, as we increase ...
This mixture is explosive and can be ignited by a spark. An ignition spark can also occur due to electrostatic discharge. Why does electrostatic discharge occur? The battery housing is made of plastic and is an electrical insulator. Therefore, the interior of the battery may have a different ...
A vacuum tube is an electronic device that uses a vacuum as an insulator and to shield against electric currents. It works by creating a vacuum inside the tube, which means there is no air or other material inside that could conduct electricity. Vacuum tubes are also known as valves in som...
Semiconductors are materials that have electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator. They're often made from silicon, germanium, or other materials that have four valence electrons in their outermost shell, often called tetravalent materials. Tetravalent materials ...
What is Dielectric Material? fr4 dielectric constant The dielectric is a substance that is weak in electrical conduction. So it’s an excellent Electromagnetic Field booster. Suppose for the electrical flux lines, the current flow between the charged sites of the considered different is kept at a...
Capacitors are another element used to control the flow of charge in a circuit. The name derives from their capacity to store charge, rather like a small battery.Capacitors consist of two conducting surfaces separated by an insulator; a wire lead is connected to each surface....