Many people receiving treatment for sleep disorders end up using a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine, Robbins notes, which can be loud and make it hard for their partner to fall and stay asleep. Sleeping in different rooms removes that distraction, allowing both partners to get...
如果患者除了软腭前方塌陷外,还有侧壁塌陷,那就是 Inspire 的禁忌症。Ni 补充说,由于这一禁忌症,约有 10% 到 20% 的 Inspire 候选者无法获得该设备。 您或您的亲人是否患有睡眠呼吸暂停并需要诊断或治疗?点击下面的选项,开始检测或了解治疗方案。 申请睡眠研究 申请CPAP 预约。 资料来源 https://sleepfoundation...
While CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy is the gold-standard therapy for obstructive sleep apnea, we know that it isn’t easy. Barriers to compliance with CPAP therapy include the discomfort of sleeping while wearing a mask, having air blown through your airway all night, the ...
or CPAP, others can't sleep comfortably while wearing one. Some have found relief from a new sleep apnea treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration last year. Called the Inspire Upper Airway