Whatinspires you?①inspire v给(某人)创作灵感;你的灵感从哪儿来?激励,鼓舞每位艺术家都希望Every artist's wish is to create something※inspiration n.灵感通过创作表达(自己的)that expresses an idea①. But where②find out查明,弄清;发现理念。而这些理念从何而do artists get their ideas from? Who or...
so为语气词,意思是“那么”;what is it意思为“是什么”;that强调句中的连接词,无句意;inspire动词,激励,inspire sb to do sth.激励着某人去做某事; invent动词,发明;things可数名词复数,东西。将各意义连接起来,故本题答案为:那么是什么激励着我们去发明东西呢?
inspire v给(某人)创作灵感激励,鼓舞Every artist's wish is to create something※inspiration n.灵感that expresses an idea. But where②find out查明,弄清;发现do artists get their ideas from? Who or③influence n.影响(力);有影响whatinspires them? Here we find out more about the的人(或物)ν...
inspiretoencouragesomeonebymakingthemfeelconfidentandeagertodosomething___tomakesomeonehaveaparticularstrongfeelingorreaction?___togivesomeoneanideaforabook,film,product,etc?___鼓舞赋予灵感;激发(想法)唤起,激起 01pre-readingpredictionPredictwhatthepassageismainlyaboutaccordingtothetitle“Whatinspiresyou?”and...
3. Are our chemistry experiments the___ of the report, or is it___ on something else? (basic)4. I find it very___ that the painter draws___ for her work from her culture.(inspire)5. I do not have the___ to carry this box by myself, because I am not___ enough.(strengthe...
. 2 01 Pre-reading 3 inspire to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something ___ to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction ___ to give someone an idea for a book, film, product, etc ___ 鼓舞 赋予灵感;激发(想法) 唤起,激起 4 01 pre-...
to continue their upward journey and drive business achievements. Developing people’s competencies enhances their careers and promotes engagement and retention. Investing in managers is also beneficial, as they can leverage their crucial roles to coach team members, inspire engagement, and spur ...
Clear up the question of who is at fault Inspire To stimulate energies, ideals, or reverence A leader who inspires by example. Inspire To inhale. Inspire (transitive) To infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit; to convey, as by a divine or supernatural influence; to disclose pr...
The answer lies in your ability to realize when things inspire you. What is an inspiration example? An example of inspiration is a piece of art or content that stimulates your imagination and increases your desire to take action. This could be a book, film, piece of music, motivational ...