industrialization,thedevelopmentofthenation-stateandthespreadofuniversalcompulsory education,especiallyglobalisationandbettercommunicationsinthepastfewdecades,allhave causedmanylanguagestodisappear,anddominantlanguagessuchasEnglish,SpanishandChinese areincreasinglytakingover. Atpresent,theworldhasabout6,800languages.Thedistribu...
2)Industrialization resulted in the growth of large urban areas in north and centralEngland,where huge numbers of migrant workers stood out as a single and unitary workingclass,which contrasted with an emerging middle(commercial) class and the age—old aristocracy class. 4.What were the distinct ...
Definition:Industrialization is a progressive transformation of an economic system from rudimentary productive methods to more complex manufacturing processes. It is a systematic change that aims to reshape the productive forces of a given country. ...
关键词: industrialization industry 会议名称: Anais do III Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica e 4ª Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas [Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Congress of Economic History and the 4th International Conference on Business History] ...
根据第二段的“What’s more likely is that DES is caused by overuse, or misuse of eyes. After all, the sun is a substantially more powerful provider of blue light than our screens(更有可能的是DES是由过度使用或误用眼睛引起的。毕竟,太阳提供的蓝光比我们的屏幕要强大得多)”可知,数字眼疲劳是...
Sustainable development is a concept that appeared for the first time in 1987 with the publication of the Brundtland Report, warning of the negative environmental consequences of economic growth and globalization, which tried to find possible solutions to the problems caused by industrialization and popu...
某实施监理的工程项目,建设单位通过公开招标方式选择了勘察单位、设计单位、施工单位和工程监理单位,并与其分别签订了勘察合同、设计合同、施工合同和委托监理合同,在合同中约定了各自的工程质量责任和义务,现摘录合同中约定的部分质量责任和义务。 (1)设计单位应当将施工图设计文件报县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门或...
2025年公共英语考点真题库 [单项选择题] What is the purpose of the meeting [A] To determine who will graduate this year. [B] To discuss the seating arrangement. [C] To begin planning the graduation ceremony. 本题来源:2015年公共英语考试真题卷(6) ...
The impact of industrialization, urbanization, military conflict, civil wars, and revolutionary movements across Europe, combined with laissez-faire capitalism and environmental degradation, during the 1800s caused social upheaval and economic instability. These factors and others led to the long depression...
On the other hand, excessive government intervention is detrimental to the elimination and clearing of backward production capacity due to “bottom-up competition” [13]. As a result, the growth and reform of financial marketization are helpful to avoid the negative externalities caused by government...