An independent variable is a variable that you can control. One way to explain it to a child is that it is the variable that the child can change during the experiment. For example, in an experiment on the effect of light on plant growth, the child can control how much light a plant ...
What is the independent and dependent variable in social science research per example the us policy in asia toward bilateral and multilateral. Bybehaviourism— On Oct 09, 2010 @tandekile, I think it might be the other way around. In this independent variable experiment, The child with Fetal Al...
In science, a variable is a detail or condition that can be controlled or perhaps altered in some way. In scientific investigations, studies are designed that contain three different types of variables: dependent, independent and control.
In computing, an independent variable is any variable that changes its value under a process, program, event, or any computing-specific interaction. Advertisements It is used in computer programming to be assigned to a variable value, entity or process, or to calculate the value of a depende...
What is the independent variable in Charles' law? Independent Variables: On any graph with x and y axes there is a dependant variable and an independent variable. The independent variable is placed on the y-axis. The independent variable is often the one that either we directly control such ...
83K Learn about variables in science and how they can be changed or studied in an experiment. Discover the types of variables, such as independent variables, dependent variables, and controlled variables. Related to this QuestionWhat is the difference between dependant and independent variable...
Anindependent variableis the variable the experimenter controls. Basically, it is the component you choose to change in an experiment. This variable is not dependent on any other variables. For example, in the plant growth experiment, the independent variable is the light color. The light color ...
variabledependentindependent因变量antifreeze变量 What are the Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Control, and Constants? The independent variable is the part of the experiment you choose to manipulate or test. In an experiment, where you want to find what ratio of water to antifreeze lowers th...
, in a plant growth study, the researchers control whether each plant receives fertilizer or not. When determining if a new vaccine reduces infection rates, they assign participants to either the vaccine or placebo group. Statisticians refer to this type of variable as an independent variable....
Dependent Variable Examples Imagine that a scientist is testing the effect of light and dark on the behavior of moths by switching a light on and off. Theindependent variableis the amount of light, and thedependent variableis the moths' reaction. A change in the independent variable (amount of...