The study comprised 100 patients that is to say 200 eyes, with various levels of impaired vision who had been referred to the Department of Ophthalmology and Neurosurgery. The inclusion criteria covered ages between 20 and 50 years. Patients were not included if any of the following conditions ...
Disagreements between the two authors were minimal and were resolved through a joint review of the full-text articles and discussion with the third co-author (KP). All articles that matched the inclusion criteria were included in the review, resulting in 42 articles being included in the review....
The criteria for inclusion in the PRIAS study in 2006 were GG ≤ 1, clinical stage ≤T2c, PSA ≤ 10 ng/ml, ≤2 cores positive for PCa, PSA-density ≤0.2 ng/ml/cm3, and fitness for curative treatment [12]. Since 2013, patients with >2 cores positive for PCa are all...
Hierarchies of EvidenceSetting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Deciding what Types of Studies to Include and ExcludeUse of Qualitative Research in Systematic ReviewsInclusion Criteria for Outcomes"Narrow" Versus "Broad" Reviewsdoi:10.1002/9780470754887.ch3Mark Petticrew...
interaction and the role of teacher and student. From their perspectives, learning is considered a social activity in which students learn through task-based interactions with teachers and more capable peers. Learner’s prior knowledge, criteria of success, scaffolding and pre-set goals all contribute...
When we applied the above inclusion/exclusion criteria, the number of articles included in this review became 177 articles in total (75 on PTOs, 49 on POFOs, and 53 on POs). We believe this is a more meritorious way to review the literature, as it includes better quality, more rigorous...
Details of the PROGRESS-Plus acronym is presented in Table 1. Table 1 PROGRESS-Plus Domains (O'Neill et al., 2014) Full size table Eligibility Criteria We defined the parameters of the review in accordance with the Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome and Study Design (PICOS) ...
Table 1 Inclusion criteria Full size table Study selection All titles identified by the search were combined in Endnote ( and duplicates removed. Two reviewers (DT, RL) screened the initial set of titles and abstracts, excluding irrelevant studies. Two reviewers (AH, AP, HR...
For the immediate creation and arrangement of all things by an omnipotent power, at a certain determinate epoch, seems to put an end to almost the whole of the human art ofworld-building. —The Imperial Magazine, May 1820 This sense ofworld-buildingwas too technical to merit inclusion in ou...
Organizational behavior research is used to identify the skills, abilities, and traits that are essential for a job. This information is used to develop job descriptions, selection criteria, and assessment tools to help HR managers identify the best candidates for a position. This is especially tru...