Their current equipment is said to be inadequate because it can’t produce enough.ExampleInadequacy is usually used to help determine the useful life of a plant asset or fixed asset. Remember, the useful life isn’t always how long the asset will be able to produce products. The useful ...
is meaningless. B has lasting effects on human behaviors. C is a symbol that has lost its meaning. D can be understood only in its social context. E can provide inadequate explanation of meaning. F reflects the variability of human behaviors. G emphasizes the importance of analyzing how words...
1 : thequality or state of being defective or of lacking some necessaryquality or element : the quality or state of being deficient : inadequacy suffers from a deficiency of critical thinking. 2 : an amount that is lacking or inadequate : shortage staffing deficiencies : such as. What does ...
Study the following definitions of “word”.Discuss in what ways they adequate and inadequate.9.a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use.(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)2.a uni...
A.theinadequatepreparation B.thesevereweatherconditions C.thelocalrestrictiononflights D.theuncertaintyofsomedetails 6.WhatcanwelearnfromParagraph4? A.AllroadsleadtoRome. B.Agoodbeginningishalfdone. C.Wherethereisawill,thereisaway. D.Everyperson?ssuccessisnotallaccidental. 7.Whatdoesthelastparagraphintendto...
C is a symbol that has lost its meaning. D can be understood only in its social context. E can provide inadequate explanation of meaning. F reflects the variability of human behaviours. G emphasises the importance of analysing how words were used. H suggests that certain types of behaviours ...
"Being told you have an ‘inadequate’ cervical screening result can be scary, and understandably so," Hughes tells Mashable. "However, all 'inadequate' really means is that the sample (the cervical cells your GP or nurse collected) either couldn't be tested properly, isn't made up of eno...
1)Is “body language” really a language? In what sense? 2)What do you think of Bloomfield’s definition of word as “a minimum free form”? 3)Why is the referential theory of meaning inadequate? 4)A sad event was reported in late 2007, in which a pregnant woman and her baby died...
“For a long time, people talked about pain simply being a reflection of tissue damage,” said David Sheffield, PhD, a pain researcher and professor of psychology at the University of Derby in the United Kingdom, “but it has become clear that that is an inadequate definition.” ...
Common humanityis the recognition that everyone has moments when they feel unsuccessful or inadequate. This concept invites us to remember that even though these emotions may make us feel alone, many others feel them too from time to time. ...