While this is primarily a page of information, it also acts as an index of other pages within this series. When you have found out all you want to know about Abalone shell, you can pop over to one ofour sister pagesand make your choice from the beautiful things offered for you to pur...
The muscular system is composed of the muscles that we can control and those that we cannot. These muscles, divided into skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles, perform a variety of functions, from moving the bones of the skeleton to enabling the heart to beat....
What is cardiac muscle? What main organs are involved in the muscular system and what does each organ do? What type of muscle is the myocardium? How can your muscle system fail? Which part of the respiratory system is composed of skeletal muscle? What does Ebola do to the muscle system?
If you feel worried or anxious about your steroid injection, talk to your healthcare provider before you have it.Where is the most painful place to get a steroid shot?The most painful place to get a steroid (cortisone) shot is into the palm, sole, or any small space (such as an ...
Free Essay: The term joint refers to an anatomical structures in which two or more bones are touching. A joint or articulation (or articular surface) is the...
SMA is a rare genetic neuromuscular disease that affects the part of the nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movement In spinal muscular atrophy, there is a loss of important cells in the spinal cord called motor neurons, which are essential for muscle strength and movement. These motor...
Although the details may vary, all mammals, including humans, have the same ten organ systems in terms of function: the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinary, nervous, muscular, skeletal, reproductive, endocrine and integumentary. Digestive The purpose of this organ system is to convert the...
What is Omeprazole? Have you ever had a burning sensation in your chest after eating? Some people have GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease) where heartburn occurs frequently due to stomach acid back flowing into the esophagus. The acid can also cause other problems such as a sour feeling in...
At its most basic level, obesity is a result of an imbalance in caloric intake and expenditure: When you consume more calories than you burn through exercise and activities of daily living, you create what is called a “positive energy balance”—your body has taken in more fuel than it ca...
Free Essay: Muscular Strength is one of the five health related components of physical fitness. It is the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert in...