Karatsoreos, IliaMcEwen, Bruce S.RoutledgeNeuropsychoanalysisIlia Karatsoreos , Bruce S. McEwen . (2009) Depression: What Is the Role of Physiological Dysregulation and Circadian Disruption?. Neuropsychoanalysis 11 , 70-75 Online publication date: 1-Jan-2009. /...
Jack was having a terrible day. First, he had been reassigned from a lesser fire epic who could only start fires, then the new epic ran him ragged the first day. Sure, who knew how to fight now, but training is tiring. Then a bunch of fiends show up in the middle of the night. ...
This is the Country Hall of Famer's first time performing at the Super Bowl, however she keeps in line with a long line of country stars who have performed the anthem there. Just take a look at the last three singers to have done so: in 2023Chris Stapletonhad the honor,Mickey Guytonth...
For those who park in the main lot, or are simply entering from the western side of the fairgrounds (which is most of you), New England Ave. is the first street you’ll encounter. If you see something that says “Near Gate 9A,” it’s on this street. New Engl...
@christym: Oreo mud cake is absolutely delicious. It is my favorite version of the traditional mud cake. This recipe is really easy to make. The ingredients are: 1 lg. pack of Oreos, 2 boxes vanilla instant pudding, 1 ½ sticks of butter, 12 ounces Cool Whip, 1 cup powdered sugar,...
At a time in history when systems and institutions have repeatedly proven themselves to be intractably corrupt, a pandemic is changing the rules of society, and nature is exacting revenge of Biblical proportions, a snack promises what the world cannot: safety, consistency, a lack of judgement, ...
The inclusion of sex as a biological variable in research is absolutely essential for improving our understanding of disease mechanisms contributing to risk and resilience. Studies focusing on examining sex differences have demonstrated across many level
Warning: You have entered a supremely dark dimension. From this point, you will spend every waking minute thinking about the shape of bread. The sogginess of french fries. Cereal and milk — or is it milk and cereal? Hot brownies and cold beef. Whatever the heck goes in a pot of chil...
Founded in 1972 in Knoxville, Tennessee, Ruby Tuesday is a casual dining restaurant with primarily American-style cuisine consisting of fried appetizers, sandwiches, steaks, pastas, and burgers. The name Ruby Tuesday was derived from the Rolling Stones song of the same name, though there are no...
Bruce S. McEwenLaboratory of NeuroendocrinologyNeuropsychoanalysisIlia Karatsoreos , Bruce S. McEwen . (2009) Depression: What Is the Role of Physiological Dysregulation and Circadian Disruption?. Neuropsychoanalysis 11 , 70-75 Online publication date: 1-Jan-2009. /...