Thepyramidsaretheoldestandonlysurvivingancientwonder. ThePyramidsofGizawerebuiltsomewherebetween2700and2500B.C. HangingGardensofBabylon ThegardensarethoughttohavebeenlocatedinBabylon,nearpresent-day Baghdad,Iraq. BabyloniankingNebuchadnezzariscreditedwithhavingthegardensbuilt. ...
Claremont Park is in the Morrisania section of The Bronx, and is on land that was once part of the Morris Family Estate and the site of what was called the Zborowski Mansion.We are told that Richard and Sarah Morris moved their estate from Barbados to what became the Bronx after ...
Proof of work is just that, Proof that work has been done. It can be traced back as early as the Giza plateau. The Pyramids clearly prove that work was performed so many years ago. This proof has lasted thousands of years. With cryptography, we create Proof of work (PoW) in much of...