Word Decomposition 西 xī west; the West; abbr. for Spain 西班牙; Spanish 乃 nǎi to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereuponRelated WordsWords With Same Head Word 西部 xībù western part 西瓜 xīguā watermelon 西方 xīfāng the West; the Occident; Western countries 西南 xīnán ...
Andthat is whathe will learn in my kitchen. Yeso es lo queaprenderá en mi cocina. Yeah, andthat is whatmy firm told me. Sí, yeso es lo quemi empresa me dijo. Andthat is whatis wrong with the system. Yeso es lo queestá mal con el sistema. ...
Decimos literalmente "Lo puse en su lugar" o "Lo puse en su sitio". También podrías decir ...
(What is your name?) make the expression more polite and respectful. On the other hand, the casual translation uses "te llamas" (you are called) and "¿Cómo te llamas?" (What are you called?), which is a more common and informal way to ask for someone's name in Spanish. Lingua...
The meaning of WHAT is —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter. How to use what in a sentence.
The meaning of WHAT is —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter. How to use what in a sentence.
2.(used to address multiple people) a.qué les interesa I would advise all of you to think about what interests you most before you choose a path in life.Les aconsejaría a todos que piensen acerca de qué les interesa más antes de elegir un camino en la vida. ...
Literal translation:This is a type of translation suitable for language pairs that have a high degree of similarity. The translator tries to produce a target text that closely resembles the source text in terms of word order, sentence structure, meaning, and style, with a direct equivalent for...
In the poem Beowulf is strong, courageous and selfishness, ready to risk his life in order to rid his people of evil monsters. 像荷马史诗一样,贝奥武甫歌唱传奇英雄的冒险经历,他决心为自己的国家和子民服务,他英勇善战, 善于指挥,热爱荣誉。诗中展现出贝奥武甫的强健、勇敢、无私,为了战胜魔鬼不惜牺牲...
If there is no translation for a particular word or sense, a short description can be given in the target language, so speakers of that language still can understand what the word means; e.g. there is no equivalent of the Arabic wordin English, so the Arabic-English dictionary gives perso...