Regulations were further strengthened in June of last year, including the introduction of licensing requirements. Share article Facebook Twitter From the Travel Desk Travel A Guide to Iceland’s Most Popular Waterfalls Partnerships Yoga Sálir: Find Balance & Bliss in Selfoss, South Iceland ...
1. Town of SelfossType of sight: TownWe'll start in the town of Selfoss, which is less than an hour's drive from Reykjavik on the Ring Road. The town is the largest in South Iceland – but with a population of under 7,000, it by no means feels like a big city. ...
Selfoss 1% (3 votes) NewsBlur 10% (25 votes) Liferea 32% (81 votes) Other (tell us in comments) 34% (86 votes) What open source RSS reader do you use?The recently announced end-of-life for Google Reader has brought about many articles in the press listing replacements. Unfortuna...
taking with it the once ubiquitous production of skyr. MS Iceland Dairies is by far the largest with all MS skyr produced in the southern town of Selfoss under several names, including KEA, which was for years made in northern Iceland. KEA‘s proud ...