How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By ...
What is the etymology of homonym? Etymology: Many English terms derive from Latin or Greek. Knowing the etymology or the origin of words will help you understand and recognize new or specialized terms. For example, the term "biography" comes from the Greek wordsbios("life") andgrapho("to ...
What is an antecedent in Latin?Vocabulary Words:The word antecedent has its etymology in the language of the ancient Romans, and first came to be used in the English language during the Middle Ages. The plural of this noun is antecedents....
Synonyms: None known [Sereno, 2005]Definition The most inclusivecladecontainingAllosaurusfragilisbut notPasser domesticus(house sparrow). Etymology Allosauroidea is derived fromAllosaurus—from the Greek "allos" (strange) and "sauros" lizard)—and the Latin "-oidea" (likeness, form,...
Toknow what is what"understand the qualities or natures of things" is from c. 1400;I'll tell you whatto emphasize what is about to be said is in Shakespeare. Middle English also had an interjectionwhatkinnes"what? what sort of?"
From the 1571 George Buchanan translation out of the Latin of Ane detectioun of the duinges of Marie Quene of Scottes thouchand the murder of hir husband, and hir conspiracie, adulterie, and pretensed mariage with the Erle Bothwell. And ane defence of the trew Lordis, mainteineris ...
“The science, that is called statistics, teaches us what is the political arrangement of all the modern states of the known world.” TheOnline Etymology Dictionarystates that the first recorded time the word meant “numerical data collected and classified” was 1829 and the abbreviated form stats...
The term "fiat" is derived from the Latinfieri, meaning an arbitrary act or decree. In keeping with this etymology, the value of fiat currencies is ultimately based on the fact that they are defined as legal tender by way of government decree.3 ...
In Latin, the regular past participle of verbs is made by adding the suffix -t- to the stem plus the ending -us/-a/-um (1st/2nd declension). So English minute is from minu-t-us "diminished", from minuo "to diminish, to make small": a very small piece cut off from an...
In grammar, an antecedent (Etymology: Latinantecedentem meaning precede, a noun coming from ante - before, and the verb cedere - to go) is an expression (word, phrase, clause, sentence, etc.) that gives its meaning to a proform (pronoun, pro-verb, pro-adverb, etc.). ... The term...