In terms of where it sits on the sweetness scale, dextrose is less sweet than sucrose, fructose and glucose, but sweeter than lactose and maltose. Taking dextrose supplements in sport and exercise Supplementing with dextrose could potentially give your exercise performance a real boost. ...
Cutting down on sugary foods and drinks – fructose can cause a build-up of uric acid in the body.19 Maintaining a healthy weight – losing weight can significantly reduce the amount of uric acid your body produces.20 Drinking sensibly – this involves drinking plenty of water, as dehydration...
Lectins are a defense mechanism which all life forms appear to have. Essentially, they are a low level toxin. The purpose of lectins is to discourage other animals from eating that life form. By triggering a negative reaction in the predator, that life form is then viewed as an undesirable ...
Our dangling participle is in some ways like a rock climber. Imagine a rock climber is going up a steep cliff. The rock climber needs points of connection - hands and feet – with the rock. If the rock climber loses these points of ...
Swallowing semen can increase you risk of contracting STIs and be bad for you if you have what's known as Hypersensitivity to Human Semen (HSS).
Im going to go over why the YOUs in the title are capitalized first, because I know people won't be able to focus on what comes after this if I don't explain that. YOU are in control of YOUR health. So YOU choose what goes into YOUR body; the toll it takes on YOU is partly ...
What is the difference between types of sugar? Find out if some are healthier than others and what it can mean for your health.
High intake of meat, shellfish, alcohol, and fructose also can cause hyperuricemia, 17,18 while obesity increases the risk for its development by threefold. 19 For many people, these causes of hyperuricemia will not lead to gout, but for those who are susceptible, these factors may trigger ...
the pancreas will be stimulated to produce a large amount of insulin to counteract the spike in blood sugar. This will stop the energy conversion process. Remember, the liver is the only organ that can digest fructose, so when it becomes overworked, it simply converts the rest of the...
Sugars in fruit are the one exception, though. While they are free of added sugars, eating several servings of whole fruits can spike your blood sugar. For example, a large apple has 25 grams of sugar, with most of it coming from fructose. Eating two apples as a snack will deliver 50...