What is in cigarette smoke?Foulds, Jonathan
Word Decomposition 抽 chōu to draw out; to pull out from in between; to remove part of the whole; (of certain plants) to sprout or bud; to whip or thrash 烟 yān cigarette or pipe tobacco; smoke; mist; vapour; tobacco plant; (of the eyes) to be irritated by smoke...
★Stay away from cigarette smokers★Talk to your parents about passive smoking.★Go to your room if someone is smoking in the house.★Encourage the smoker in your family to give up smoking.1.”Passive smoker” means ___ according to the passage?A. people who smoke actively B. people who...
If someone is smoking, the smoke can be breathed in by anyone nearby. People nearby are passive smokers. Although they do not choose to smoke, they are actually breathing in the smoke, too. What's in the smoke? Scientific studies show that there can be around 4000 chemicals (化学物质)...
Question: What in cigarette smoke apparently leads to lung cancer? a. the hydrocarbons b. the carbon monoxide c. the nicotine d. all of these Cigarettes: Cigarettes can contain one or more ingredients, such as tobacco, usually plant-based bu...
Cigarette Smoke Cigarette smoke is a complex mix of more than7,000 chemicals.6These chemicals can be formed or produced: By the additives in the product itself Frompesticidesthat are used in the tobacco farming process When those additives are heated and/or burned ...
What is Really In Your Cigarette 更多文献敬请浏览http:///wangpan07163 上楼顶吹吹风QQ:805594117 Therearelotsofmythsaboutcigarettes:that'lights'offerprotection,forone,orthatfiltersactuallyfilter. 关于香烟,有许多没有事实依据的说法:比如香烟能提高身体的损害修复能力,比如过滤嘴真的有过滤作用,等等。
★Stay away from cigarette smokers★Talk to your parents about passive smoking.★Go to your room if someone is smoking in the house.★Encourage the smoker in your family to give up smoking.1.”Passive smoker” means ___ according to the passage?A. people who smoke actively B. people ...
单句语法填空/完成句子① The smell of cigarette smoke confirmed what he had suspected: there had been a party in his absence.②We are still awaiting comfirmation(confirm) of the exact number of casualties.③ It has been confirmed that he wasn't the person who stole your bike.已经证实他不是...
There is no smoke without fire字面意思是“不点火就不会起烟”,引申为“无风不起浪、事出必有因”,它还可以写成where there is smoke there is fire。 where there is smoke意思就是“有烟的地方”,而there is fire意思是“有火”,有烟的地方也有火,意思同样是“无风不起浪、事出必有因”。像这种中...