Acne is skin condition which is common in teenagers, but can be present at any age. Acne causes pimples on the skin and can affect anywhere on the body but mainly affects the face, back, shoulders and chest. The cause of Acne is when hair follicles become blocked by dead skin and oils...
Safflower Seed Oil is rich in linoleic acid and helps leave skin feeling soft and nourished. Learn more Salicylic Acid Salicylic acid helps clear up clogged pores, blackheads, stubborn acne, and blemishes. Learn more Sigesbeckia Orientalis Extract ...
What is acne? Acne is a common skin condition that appears when hair follicles clog with oil (sebum) from the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. Bacteria that normally live on the skin thrive in the excess oil, an inflammatory response occurs, and acne is formed!¹ Types of acne incl...
What is acne? Acne is a common skin condition that appears when hair follicles clog with oil (sebum) from the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. Bacteria that normally live on the skin thrive in the excess oil, an inflammatory response occurs, and acne is formed!¹ Types of acne incl...
What is Acne?Papules, Inflammatory
Acneis a skin condition that develops when the hair follicles are plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne is usually seen on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, and back. These areas have the most sebaceous or oil glands. Acne can be persistent at times like when one begins to go awa...
In adults, acne is also commonly linked to hormonal changes, particularly in people experiencing pregnancy, menopause or menstrual cycles. It’s also known to run in families, so if your parents had acne, it’s more likely that you’ll also have acne. If you think you have acne, speak ...
What's in your school bag? TouchJiangsuNowto follow 今日热词 书包 School Bag 9月1日是全国中小学开学日。从这一天起,新学年的征程又将开启。 September 1 is the opening day of primary and secondary schools nationwide. 仔细整理好书包,不仅可以帮助同学们从“假期模式”切换到“学习模式”,更为新学年...
Acne is a complicated skin disease involving hormonal, dietary, and hereditary factors, and for all these and many other reasons, acne requires a comprehensive approach. Treating acne largely depends on disease severity. Mild acne may only need a couple of adjustments in one’s skincare routine,...
Recently, there have been successful studies on the efficacy of Manuka honey against skin bacteria and viruses. This can greatly help with acne. It is also a natural antioxidant with a very powerful effect on wrinkles, which makes it an anti-aging solution. ...