The research was conducted in the English language, with a free text protocol including preferably the following terms: “metastatic prostate cancer,”“primary treatment,”“local treatment,”“radical prostatectomy,”“radiotherapy,”“cytoreductive surgery,” and “cytoreductive treatment.” The reference...
Prostate cancer is often considered to be a marker of health-care spending, owing to the rising costs of providing treatment for the 180,000 men diagnosed with the disease each year. New technologies and adjuvant therapies are extremely attractive to patients and clinicians; however, their clinical...
The overall risk of dying is decreasing, in line with improvements in screening, diagnosis and treatment, however variation in the magnitude of change exists according to disease site and country [7]. The CONCORD study demonstrated that five-year relative survival for breast cancer in Europe ...
Breast, cervical and colorectal cancers are the three most frequent cancers in women, while lung, prostate and colorectal cancers are the most frequent in men. Much attention has been given to the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals for treatment of cancer by the National Institute for Health an...
Hello. I am Dr. Gerald Chodak for Medscape. This week, I want to talk about the complications occurring after treatment for prostate cancer with either surgery or some form of radiation. Nam and colleagues[1]conducted a retrospective analysis of more than 32,000 men treated between 2002 and...
What is IMRT used for? Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, or IMRT, is atype of cancer treatmentthat uses advanced computer programs to calculate and deliver radiation directly to cancer cells from different angles. What is wedge angle?
Plan quality is commonly assessed by evaluating the dose distribution calculated by the treatment planning system (TPS). Evaluating the 3D dose distribution is not easy, however; it is hard to fully evaluate its spatial characteristics and we still lack the knowledge for personalising the prediction...
The tumour sites of nasopharynx, post-prostatectomy and anal canal have been selected to represent sites that are suitable for treatment with IMRT. IGRT using fiducial markers and volumetric imaging is undergoing testing in prostate cancer RT. Participating centres were selected so as to incluDe ...
The title of this chapter could be seen as a contradictio in terminis, in that one can never perform enough QA to safeguard quality of treatment and patient safety. On the other hand, QA procedures should find a balance between being simple and easy to u
Plenary talks are almost exclusively reserved for clinical studies, said Dr. Haffty. The inclusion of a study with data from animal models "shows the importance of immunotherapy in the treatment of cancer," he explained. SUGGESTED for you ...