the essential meaning of implication is a “possible future effect or result”. Thispossibleresult is what you have to identify and describe. And while being creative is certainly allowed, make sure your assumptions
What is an example of an implication? The definition of implication is something that is inferred. An example of implication isthe policeman connecting a person to a crime even though there is no evidence. Something that is implied, especially: An indirect indication; a suggestion. How do you ...
Consider another example in which Emma says “it will take us some time to get there”. Is Emma simply saying it will take them some unspecified amount of time and implying this may be a long amount of time or is she saying something more? The first example contains what ...
What implication of the research is the speaker concerned aboutA.Language acquisition may be negatively affected.B.Babies used in experiments often develop emotional problems.C.Parents may force their children to learn at too early an age.D.Early coachin
Now precision must be sacrificed to scale and speed. The task started before standards, goals or budgets are set. And they may yet change. Just like many websites, libraries will be stuck in what is known as "permanent beta".What is the implication of the experiment on education(PASSAGE ...
20. Previous studies didn't take constant effort to evaluate the reading ability of artificial intelligence machines, which was why the present research was conducted. True ( ) False ( ) 21. One implication of the research is that a methodology that helps gather and handle big data is indispe...
The board has come to the conclusion that the proposed takeover would not be in the interest of our shareholders. Implication An implying, or that which is implied, but not expressed; an inference, or something which may fairly be understood, though not expressed in words. Conclusion (logic)...
58岁。因发热、咳嗽、胸闷、气短1周收入住院。查体:T37.5℃,R24次/分,口唇发绀。双下肺叩诊呈浊音、语颤明显减弱、呼吸音消失。腹部隆起,叩诊移动性浊音(+)。双侧胸液、腹水呈乳糜样,苏丹染色阴性。胸液、腹液常规均示渗出液,淋巴细胞为主,LDH1200U/L,CEA明显增高。PPD(-)。最可能的诊断是 ...
in the genome compared to classical mutagenesis techniques, off-target effects are a prominent point of criticism as they are supposed to cause unintended effects, e.g. genomic instability or cell death. To address these aspects, this map aims to answer the following question: What is the avail...
For one thing, the technology is making people lazier. For example, they will buy food online instead of cooking at home. For another, some young people who are addicted to social networking websites or online games isolate the...