Originally, this day was calledImbolc(lambs’ milk) because the lambing season began. It was also calledBrigantiafor the Celtic female deity of light, calling attention to the Sun being halfway on its advance from the winter solstice to the spring equinox. Much of this day is grounded in t...
Enjoy a leisurely pony trek or competitive horseback games, depending on the season and… 22 Apr 2025Open 11:00 - 13:00 Price £50.00 More Info Briggs Equipment North West 200 Coleraine Sporting Event The Briggs Equipment North West 200 is Ireland's largest outdoor sporting event. Each...
Celebrated at the beginning of February, the day was calledImbolc—a term from Old Irish that is most often translated as “in the belly”—a reference to the soon-to-arrive lambs of spring. The celebration of Imbolc signaled that the Sun was halfway through its advance towards the spring ...
The answer to a question like, “What is Wicca,” is simple; Wicca is a pagan, earth-based belief system that involves the reverence of all of nature and living in reciprocity with all living things. Some people identify Wicca as a relatively modern spiritual path, first emerging in the ...