1 2 if __name__ == '__main__': # some logic here Every Python module defines a variable called __name__. It can either contain module name or __main__ depending upon how a module is executed.We can execute a Python file (or module) in two ways:...
The Python if not statement helps users to implement logical decisions and returns thenegation value of the “if statement”. When users need to check if a particular condition is not satisfied, they can extensively use the 'if not' Python operator in two factors: In Python,notis alogical op...
If you’re curious, take a plunge into some of the linked discussions in the various Python community channels to learn more about why developers argue for keeping the name-main idiom as it is. Conclusion You’ve learned what theif __name__ == "__main__"idiom does in Python. It allo...
python中的if __name__ == '__main__' what hell is it? python认为一切模块都可能被执行或者被import 如果一个模块是被import导入的,那么该模块的调用者可能仅仅希望使用模块的部分代码,而不是直接运行它 如果模块是直接运行的,那么像c或者java语言一样,需要一个入口main 为了解决这个问题,python约定,当模块...
The addition assignment (+=) operator is one example of the Python assignment operator. Now a user can equip with the knowledge they need to use the addition assignment operator like a professional Python developer. This tutorial also discussed a few basic code examples of the operator, their ...
The main thing you'll pretty much always see in a __init__ method, is assigning to attributes.This is our new Point classclass Point: """2-dimensional point.""" def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y If we call it like before without any arguments, we'll see ...
In the trending technological world, there is a massive amount of data that is being consumed, as well as waste. Thus, handling this data in a rather effective manner becomes the main goal of Data Science. We can make use of various programming languages to deal with the data sets that ...
In a large company, many people and processes might be involved, which makes invoice management a complex activity. What does this description have to do with OOP? If you took the preceding workflow — which is often a manual flow — and turned it into written software, the first thing ...
Checks if x is greater than y. These are just a few examples of the different types of assertions that can be used in Python. Depending on the specific requirements and context of your code, you can utilize these assertions to validate conditions, check types, verify values, handle exceptions...
if__name__ =="__main__": setup_monitoring() main() In the past, Python debuggers usedsys.settrace, which offered essentially the same functionality but in a less efficient manner. The newsys.monitoringnamespace introduces a streamlined API for event registration, and its implementation details...