And that’s exactly what it is—a phrase that’s normal to fluent speakers (every language has its idioms) but strange to others. People who struggle with idioms often can’t see the forest for the trees, which is itself an idiom used to describe someone who’s too involved with the d...
1、Part 1 Listening and speaking activities 1 Introduction of functions Describing Objects If you describe an object (someone or something), you say what sort of thing it is (what kind of person he or she is), or what they are like, such as its size, color or shape. You should ...
Of course,the second speaker does not mean he heard the news about John by putting his ear to a grapevine!He is conveying the idea visually of information spreading around a widespread network,similar to a grapevine.We use idioms to express something that other words do not express as ...
根据文中Idioms(习惯用语) are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say.可知,习惯用语并不是准确的表达他们所说的含义的短语或句子。故选B。 根据文中she may say "I'll play it by ear", that means she doesn't have plans for dinner and she will decide later.可知,“I'll...
Language is complex. Chaotic. Ambiguous. From the moment we're born, we begin to process language—and it takes years of practice to get right. Try to learn a language later in life, or even just adapt to different local slang or idioms, and it can feel near impossible. And somehow, ...
But subject-verb agreement is a tricky grammatical concept to master due to the number of exceptions, idioms, and special rules you must memorize. Below is an outline of some special rules that trip up student writers. Typically this type of agreement is restricted to the present tense, where...
man. (Para 4) 29 1. as if + clause as if (as though) You can use as if or as though at the beginning of a clause to mean something that appears to be true although it is not. [grammatical points] as if or as though can introduce a subjunctive clause. 实用...
These idioms often stray from the literal meaning of their words. One of the most common phrases used to show love and affection is the idiom "close to your heart." 这些习语经常偏离他们的字面意思。用来表达爱和情感...
What Does Imperial Mean? The Imperial system, or British Imperial, is a system of weights and measures that was officially used in Great Britain from 1824 until the adoption of the metric system. It utilizes units like inches, pounds, and gallons. Examples of Imperial units include: Length:...
What are some idioms that mean 'easy'?IdiomsAn idiom is a saying or phrase that can't be interpreted literally. In other words, it doesn't mean what it says. Idioms are used in particular areas or by groups of people who all know what the real meaning of the idiom is, but people ...