Capital employed is defined as total assets minus current liabilities or totalshareholders' equityplus debt liabilities. Therefore, it is similar to thereturn on equity(ROE) ratio, except it also includes debt liabilities. The higher thereturn on capital employed, the more efficiently a company make...
The price to book value (P/B), Earning per Share (EPS), Return on Equity (ROE), and Return on Capital Employed (ROCE), and Profit to Earnings (P/E)...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question...
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Internet of Things growth (data from aFnigduIroeT1.stIanttse:rnsteattoisftaT.hcoinmg)s. gTrhowe rtehd(dbaatras fsrhoomwhtthtpe:/n/wumwbwe.rinotferhnuemtliavnesintattesr.ncoemt u/isnetresrnfoert-tuhseerpse/raiondd 1Io9T95s–t2a0...