Acquired Hydrocephalus: This condition can develop at any age. It is triggered bybleedingin the brain. It may happen if babies are born before the due date. Or abrain injurymay prompt it. A tumour could also be behind hydrocephalus. What are the Symptoms of Hydrocephalus? Among babies, ...
A hydrocephalus shunt is a type of medical device that is sometimes used to treat people who have a condition in which there is...
What causes hydrocephalus in calves? Hydrocephalus occurs mainly due to three reasons, asexcessive production of CSF, defective absorption of CSF,and interference in the passage of CSF. What is curly calf? Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), commonly known as Curly Calf syndrome, isa lethal genetic defe...
Fluid buildup in your brain (hydrocephalus) that causes swelling and pressure If the injury is close to the base of your skull, it can hurt the nerves in your brain (cranial nerves). This can cause symptoms like: Vision problems, like double vision or not being able to see clearly Hearin...
What are the significance of hydrocephalus? What are the risk to population of the disorder and the potential outcomes for hydrocephalus? What are the consequences of a tubal pregnancy? What is the most important effect of CRISPR? Why would both FSH and HCG be needed in the treatment?
What is athetoid cerebral palsy? What causes spastic cerebral palsy? What happens if Bell's palsy goes untreated? What is the etiology of cerebral palsy? How does hydrocephalus cause cerebral palsy? What is the cure for cerebral palsy?
Hydrocephalus:Buildup of fluid within the brain that may cause headaches, vision problems, sluggishness, poor coordination, loss of bladder control, and a decline in memory and cognition. Meningitis:Swelling of the protective membranes around the brain and spinal cord that may lead to fever, irrita...
Babies who have hydrocephalus may also experienceParinaud syndrome, a condition that can restrict upward eye movement. Hydrocephalus can sometimes lead toParinaud syndrome, and setting sun eyes can be present with both conditions. In rare cases, setting sun eyes can also appear without any underlying...
How Common Is Clubfoot in Babies? What is Fetal Surgery? What is Myelomeningocele? What is the Quad Screen? What are Neural Tube Defects? What is Spina Bifida? Discussion Comments Hot Topics WiseGeek, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, ...
The severity of spina bifida varies widely, but the defect frequently causes hydrocephalus, or fluid in the brain. Surgery must be done to insert a "shunt" that helps drain the fluid. The shunt remains for the patient's lifetime, according to the Spina Bifida Association. ...