Huawei Cloud CDN has over 2,000 PoPs in the Chinese mainland and over 800 PoPs outside the Chinese mainland. The network-wide bandwidth reaches 180 Tbit/s. The PoPs are connected to the networks of top carriers in China such as China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Educati...
The Huawei Cloud tenant name is your account name for using Huawei Cloud services. If the tenant name is different from the login ID of your HUAWEI ID, both the tenant na
Huawei Cloud is also a founder and platinum member of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). CCE is among the world's first container services to pass the Certified Kubernetes Conformance Program. You can access CCE using the CCE console, kubectl, or Kubernetes API. For details, see Figure...
Run your workloads on a certified Kubernetes platform. CCE is one of the first container platforms to pass the Certified Kubernetes Conformance Program offered by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), where Huawei is a founding and premium member. Huawei also gained its seat on the Kuberne...
What Is Cloud Connect?Cloud Connect (CC) allows you to quickly build high-speed, high-quality, and stable networks between Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) across regions. With CC, you can load network instances in different regions to a cloud connection to enable communication between private ...
and innovation. The WAN is not only an important part of the information infrastructure, but also a key enabler of the convergence infrastructure and innovation infrastructure. As a link, the WAN connects enterprise factories, branches, cloud platforms, intelligent products, and users. At the same...
O&M is performed by public cloud service providers in a unified manner. O&M is performed by the organization or a third party. Private Cloud Service Providers Large-scale private cloud service providers in China include: Huawei H3C Huayun ...
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) allows you to isolate online resources with virtual private networks. VPC enables your cloud resources to securely communicate with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks. Subnet A subnet is a unique CIDR block with a range of IP addresses in a VPC. Al...
Beforethecloud,youmighthavebackedupyourdocuments,photosormusictoanexternaldevicelikeaCD-ROMortoyourcomputer'sharddrive. Now,youcanback-upallofthatinformationtothecloud. WhenIback-upmyiPhonetothecloud,myfilesaresenttoserversinApple'sdatacentersallar...
The hybrid cloud concept is a broad one that can include a variety of systems, configurations, and methods of control. More-specific terms are commonly used to describe variations that still qualify as hybrid cloud. Distributed cloud,for example, is a model that distributes public cloud services...