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A mob is an often large and violent group of people. Despite their bad reputation, not all mobs are dangerous; in fact...
Here, the smallest recognizable outline you can draw is what matters; a triangle is a two dimensional shape (0.5 A^2), just like a square is a two-dimensional shape (A^2); the constant factor of two here remains in the asymptotic ratio between the two, however, we ignore it like...
it may as well be in a space we have ownership of. I hope being set up to more easily post here will encourage us to be more active, both creatively and socially. I do miss sharing creativity and community with like-minded folks… I don’t love that the rigors of late-stage capitali...
TheFaithful-Minded planneris available for pre-order now through July 1st for $18. After the official release on July 1, the regular price will be $22. Secure purchases can be made through theJoyful and Free Paperiesite via PayPal.
"He is strict. And I was sad about it," he said. But now he sees it in a different way. "Guo Tao's son looks strong-minded. I think his parenting style works. And I guess my father just wants me to be like that," he said. On the journey of life, kids learn to grow up ...
As colts and calves kick up their heels, seedlings seek the Sun, and birds call for mates, we humans may join their revels for one day: during spring’s “May Day” festival! Even serious-minded folks can put work aside to enjoy Nature’s exuberance!
The instance of efforted in the 1662 edition is as follows: Two Captains being at dinner, one of them fell into a large relation of his own atchivements, concluding his discourse with this question to his fellow, And pray sir (said he) what service have you done? to whom he [John ...
Behind the scenes, however, a specific tussle is heating up. “They are not all going to be able to raise enough money to get from here to Iowa,” Mark Longabaugh, a top strategist for Bernie Sanders in 2016, told my colleague Chris Smith last month. Hive Where Wall Street, Washingto...
For Levy, Hybridity is less about being a “monolithic, monetizing beast” and more about collaborating and “putting out really good music and enjoying it”. Its showcase reflects that community-minded mandate and includes a selection of its roster and friends. ...