To date, China has established intellectual property cooperation relationships with more than 50 partner countries and international organizations, whose goal is to create an innovation and business environment in which the value of knowledge is duly respected. “数字丝绸之路”建设亮点纷呈。共建国家加强数...
尤里奇欧既以游戏本身的特点来看待游戏,也将其视作是一种完整的历史形式(historical form),并开始检视游戏这种新表达形式的多种变化与模式,考虑它潜在的独特特征、围绕它的文化习俗,以及非常重要地,那些游戏所拥有的、且常在无意时牵涉到的(特别后结构主义的)历史话语。 (注1:尽管「历史游戏」可以有很多种定义方式...
In this work, I assume that Johann Gustav Droysen's (1808-1884) texts on historical theory can be read as very important marks on the intellectual path leading to the critique of historical exemplarity. Part of their significance is due to his extrordinary attempts to think out a new posit...
1、What is History?,Dr Mark J Crowley E-MAIL: MJC83LIVE.CO.UK,Objectives,Study the different interpretations of history Understand different research methods Examine debates in historiography (Marc Bloch and E H Carr) Understand the role of interdisciplinary history,Edward Gibbon (1700s),“History...
What is Historical about Historical Sociology?Aminzade, Ronald
•Studythedifferentinterpretationsofhistory•Understanddifferentresearchmethods•Examinedebatesinhistoriography(MarcBlochandEHCarr)•Understandtheroleofinterdisciplinaryhistory EdwardGibbon(1700s)•“Historyis,indeed,alittlemorethantheregisterofthecrimes,folliesandmisfortunesofmankind”Napoleon •“Historyisamyth...
The results of the new research—published in the journal Plos One—found that closeness to freshwater sites is the best explanation for the location of the statues, including why they appear inland as well as on the coast. “Historical records show the islanders also made wells to get drinkin...
This is primarily aimed at first- and second-year undergraduates interested in psychology, data analysis, and qualitative research methods along with high school students and professionals with similar interests. This introduction to qualitative research
•Studythedifferentinterpretationsofhistory•Understanddifferentresearchmethods•Examinedebatesinhistoriography(Marc BlochandEHCarr)•Understandtheroleofinterdisciplinary history EdwardGibbon(1700s)•“Historyis,indeed,alittlemorethantheregisterofthecrimes,folliesandmisfortunesofmankind”Napoleon •“Historyisa...
July 4, 1776, is a historic date. A great deal of historical research has been done on the events leading up to that day. The historical works of Lord Macaulay and Edward Gibbon are in and of themselves historic. Fictional Invented, as opposed to real. Romeo and Juliet are fictional char...