5.This is a monkey.The monkey has a very long tail. 这是一只猴子。猴子有很长的尾巴。 6.This is a rabbit.The rabbit has very long ears. 这是一只兔子。兔子有很长的耳朵。 7.This is a walrus.The walrus has very long teeth. 这是一只海象。海象有很长的牙齿。 8.Here is a hippopotamus...
Emojis have become an integral part of our messaging experience, be it on WhatsApp, Snapchat, or Instagram. It helps us fill in many emotional and expressive cues, which are otherwise not available through texts. Over the years, many emojis covering life’s aspects have been added. However,...
Here is a rabbit. The rabbit has very long ears. 这是一只兔子。 这兔子有很长的耳朵。 This is a walrus. The walrus has very long teeth. 这是一头海象。 这海象有很长的牙齿。 Here is a hippopotamus. The hippopotamus has a very long name!
“It sounds much bigger than a bird. Can you see what it is?” “不,”奶奶说。 “它听起来比鸟大得多。你能看出来是什么吗?” “It’s a dog!” says Zoey. “这是一个狗!”佐伊说。 “Phew!” says Granny. “This dog is very smelly!” ...
As graceful as a hippopotamus on roller skates As fast as a snail on tranquilizers As confused as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles As helpful as a screen door on a submarine As fashionable as a mullet haircut As popular as a skunk at a garden party ...
XI. Read the following passage and finish the two tasks (阅读短文 完成两个任 )(14分)What animal looks like a guine a pig and a hippopotamus? The world's largest rodent (啮齿动物), the capybara! Also 77. c Carpincho, these animals enjoy being in wetlands and rainforest waters. They ar...
code for any organism,and when the DNA from two different species is similar, it suggests that those two species are related …And when we compared some whale DNA with DNA from some other species, we got quite a surprise:the DNA suggests that whales are descendants of the hippopotamus!Yes...
宝宝:He is whistling in Walrus's ear. 妈妈:You are so smart! 妈妈读: Zookeeper, Zookeeper, what do you hear? 动物管理员,动物管理员,你听到了什么? I hear children... 我听到孩子们... 妈妈读: ...growling like a polar bear, ...在学北极熊吼叫, snorting like a hippopotamus 学狮子咆哮...
Yet a good old standby post, a summary of stuff I’ve coauthored lately that grabs my immediate fancy, is fine. So here is that summary; most recent papers first. 1. Hutchinson, J.R., Pringle, E.V. 2024. Footfall patterns and stride parameters of Common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus ...
What is the largest animal on land? A. 油取劳式油取劳式elephant油取劳式油取劳式 B. 京命技名色第京命技名色第giraffe京命技名色第京命技名色第 C. 节日它究路江放管九节日它究路江放管九hippopotamus节日它究路江放管九节日它究路江放管九 D. 同住料象转样系技油界年它用同住料象转样系技...