The general terms "high context" and "low context" (popularized by Edward Hall) are used to describe broad-brush cultural differences between societies.High context communication refers to communication in societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time.Many aspects...
1. In individualistic societies, the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family. People remain emotionally independent of groups, organizations, or other collectives. People do not like to get involved in others’ affair...
No, I don't think we have my name is li Xiao, my name is Fred Smith. Jimmy practice medicine hi, miss Watson a pleasure to meet you. Jack she is from England. Yes, I think we have met before. It's good to see you again. That's right. Mister li. Mister Fred Miller. Our ma...
In an earlier post, I discussed what isIndividualismand the difference between Collectivism. Apart from explaining the two, it makes sense to add some consequences of this difference when it comes to Cultural Communication. Consequences of High-Context Cultures & Low-Context Cultures Besides describing...
Let’s start at the beginning—a formal definition of contextual communication: contextual communication is the bidirectional transfer of information between two parties where both parties are aware of the relational, environmental, and cultural context of the exchange. ...
What is High Context Culture? A high context culture is one where most of the communication is done indirectly and more dependence is on non-verbal communication and gestures. In a high context culture, relationships are built slowly which are generally long term and stable and are dependent on...
Synchronous communication leads to constant context switching which fragments people's attention, making it difficult to focus on cognitively demanding work. Interruptionssplit people’s attentionand make it more difficult to make meaningful progress on work. High-value, cognitively-demanding activities —...
1) "The temple fair is a widespread traditional Chinese folk custom. Early temple fairs were occasions only for people to worship gods and pray for the blessings. With the development of economy and the growth of the need for communication, some regular temple fairs have evolved into pure ...
Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Ability to collaborate with and influence internal and external partners. Self-starter with strong initiative, ownership, and accountability for business. Ability to work efficiently in a high-pressure, fast-paced, deadline-driven environment. If that...
Describe the levels of evidence in research. What is media literacy? What is a wave? What are nursing standards? Explain the differences between high- and low-context cultures, giving some examples.What are the differential effects on the communication process? List and explain the context of co...