High availability means that an IT system, component, or application can operate at a high level, continuously, without intervention, for a given time period. High-availability infrastructure is configured to deliver quality performance and handle different loads and failures with minimal or zero down...
What Is High Availability? High availability (HA) is a system's capability to provide services to end users without going down for a specified period of time. High availability minimizes or (ideally) eliminates service downtime regardless of what incident the company runs into (apoweroutage, hard...
High availability is the ability of an IT system to be accessible and reliable nearly 100% of the time, eliminating or minimizing downtime. It combines two concepts to determine if an IT system is meeting its operational performance level: that a given service or server is accessible–or avai...
What Is High Availability? In computing, the term availability is used to describe the period of time when a service is available, as well as the time required by a system to respond to a request made by a user. High availability is a quality of a system or component that assures a h...
WHAT’S THE PURPOSE OF HIGH AVAILABILITY? The goal of high availability is to provide continuous service with minimal downtime (The only devices that truly have ‘zero’ downtime are pacemakers and security devices built into nuclear weapons.) This means that if one component fails, another can...
High availability does not guarantee 100% uptime, but it allows you to get pretty close. Within IT, the gold standard for high availability is 99.999%, or “five-nines” of availability, but the level of HA needed really depends on how much downtime you can bear. Streaming services, for...
The definition of high availability Let's start at the beginning: What is high availability? High availability means that we eliminate single points of failure so that should one of those components go down, the application or system can continue running as intended. In other words, there will...
Why is high availability important? Systems that must be up and running most of the time are often the ones that affect people's health, economic well-being, or access to food, shelter and other fundamentals of life. In other words, they are systems that will have a severe impact on a...
A high availability solution will protect from both planned and unplanned downtime — the first due to circumstances outside of the solution provider’s control and the second due to server and system maintenance, upgrade, backup, etc. 90% of downtime is due to planned outages. Ensuring high...
Techopedia Explains High Availability A lot of analysis of high availability in a system involves looking for the weakest link, whether that is a specific piece of hardware, or an element of the system, such as data storage. To enable more durable data storage, engineers seeking high availabilit...