But if all you've had is high cholesterol, what you're doing is taking this 1/100 chance of getting a benefit and offsetting it with 1/200 chance of getting diabetes. — Eric Topol 11 Not really, and actually my cholesterol was 190 when I had the heart attack. 190, which isn't ...
Lets not push it under the rug, or push it to the side because, no matter what, it's going to keep coming up. You know, if you never deal with that dirt up under the carpet, it's going to get larger and larger, and it's going to keep coming up. —Herschel Walker 14 Be per...
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is proposing a plan to do what he and Barack Obama spent 8 years doing when they were in the White House. Which is save the economy and get America back to work which is something Trump can’t quite figure out right now. Biden’s plan is one that Wharton Business...
His picks in open primaries (Jake Evans and Vernon Jones) are trailing, but the leading candidate is still under 50 percent, meaning they’ll get another shot. Trump endorsed two of his preferred candidates — Herschel Walker for Senate in Georgia, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders for governor in ...
The Jimmy Johnson draft trade chart became famous for its role in the Herschel Walker trade, but due to changes in the game and our understanding of it (thank you,Cade Massey and Richard Thaler), we know that teams do not value draft capital optimally. Using PFF WAR, we can study trades...
There is one important thing that will depend on who wins the Senate, though. If Democrats retain control, then Biden appointees (to his administration, ambassadors, and to the federal judiciary) will continue to be approved. If Mitch McConnell takes control, all of that could come to a grin...
And is it a good idea to support government-controlled ID systems in countries with corrupt or failed governments, or those who will use these systems to persecute or exercise undue control over their populations? As one person asked, “Why are we doing this? Why are we even creating these...
My God given talent is my ability to stick with training longer than anybody else. —Herschel Walker 15 This is how I define talent; it is a gift that God has given us in secret, which we reveal without knowing it. —Montesquieu