External hemorrhoids can have blood clots making them turn blue or purple. Whenever this happens, the external hemorrhoid is said to be thrombosed. This can result in bleeding. External hemorrhoids are not usually a serious condition as they will go away in a few weeks. If you have external ...
A hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that's used to treat hemorrhoids. Healing time from hemorrhoidectomies is generally...
A hemorrhoid specialist is a healthcare provider who treats, manages, and prevents hemorrhoids. He or she is the one to see if...
Very informative and useful article! I appreciate the the effort you have put into your writing. It's clear that you know what you are writing about. After reading the article, I thought that it is worth it to try to cure hemorrhoids using suppositories and ointments. Thank you!
Home About Hemorrhoid Treatment What Causes Hemorrhoids What Causes Hemorrhoids Few people like talking about hemorrhoids, but it is very common. Although the exact reason of hemorrhoids is still unknown, there are some factors that can have been found to cause or exacerbate cases of hemorrhoids...
Hemorrhoids, or piles, happen when you get swollen veins around your anus. Learn more about what causes hemorrhoids, their symptoms, and treatments.
How are hemorrhoids diagnosed? Your healthcare provider will ask about your symptoms, the foods you eat, and your bowel movements. You may need the following: A digital rectal examis a test to check for hemorrhoids. Your provider will feel around and inside your anus. ...
Internal hemorrhoids presents with these symptoms: Bleeding while defecating with no pain In some cases, a hemorrhoid pushes through the anus and causes pain and irritation.Answer and Explanation: Hemorrhoids is a condition whereby the lower veins of the rectum swell. Hemorrhoids can appear in t...
Learn what hemorrhoids are and how Preparation H can help. Discover how to treat hemorrhoids and effective ways to manage hemorrhoid symptoms and flare-ups.
Constipation is most often acute, meaning that it appears suddenly — say, when you’re traveling — and lasts for only a short time. But when it becomes chronic, pay attention, and see your doctor, because chronic constipation can cause complications, including: Hemorrhoids (swollen, inflamed ...