As the western-most point of the “Southern Triangle”, Vega holds a special appeal for those born in the year 1985. Why? Because Vega is 27 light years away, the light you see from it tonight left the year you were born! Now point those binoculars towards the northwestern corner of ...
America, like with so many issues these days, is on a bit of an island when it comes to this subject and how taboo and discredited it is despite the decades of government documentation suggesting that all these people aren’t investigating figments of their own imagination. They may not be...
In attempting to explain the persistence of "varieties of capitalism", particularly in small countries, Elsner and Heinrich (2009) 10 1 What Is This Book Good for? develop a game theory model indicating that homogeneous groups are formed within society in order to make cooperative behavior ...
Local computation and themodel.Locality of computation is a central theme in the theory of distributed computing. In the seminal works of Linial [44], and Naor and Stockmeyer [49], the locality of distributed computation and the locally definable distributed computing problems are respectively captu...