Heavy bread. Hot (Informal) To cause to increase in intensity or excitement. Often used with up "His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history, in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote" (Harper's). Heavy Full of clay and readily saturated Heavy soil. Ho...
Soil erosion is the removal of the top layer of the soil due to some physical forces. Explore the causes, effects and prevention of soil erosion.
Heavy soil. Moderate To become less violent, severe, rigorous, or intense; as, the wind has moderated. Heavy Weighed down; burdened Trees heavy with plums. Moderate To preside as a moderator. Dr. Barlow [was] engaged . . . to moderate for him in the divinity disputation. Heavy Emotionally...
Clay soil is any type of soil that contains a high percentage of clay particles. When discussing dirt, the term “clay” is basically a catch-all for a family of minerals that are heavy, sticky, and dense. Clay soil can look different in different places, but it usually acts the same ...
Activities such as stock breeding and intensive farming use chemicals, pesticides and fertilisers that pollute the land, just as happens with heavy metals and other natural and man-made chemical substances. Soil pollution is a global threat that is particularly serious in regions like Europe, ...
Coco coir is made from coconut husks and has some unique properties that make it a good amendment for cannabis soil mixtures. Coco improves water retention, but doesn’t make soil heavy. Roots tend to develop faster and plants are less likely to suffer from overwatering in coco coir. Some ...
“Dahlias love a moist soil, so for these, aheavyishsoil is fine.” heavier comparative form ofheavy: moreheavy Synonyms: larger,bigger,bulkier,heftier,huger,huskier,weightier,girthier,grander,immenser,mightier,preponderant,vaster,more overweight,rotunder,stouter,stockier,portlier,plumper,paunch...
Water is fairly heavy, so it moves very quickly to "find its own level." The bigger the difference between water volumes across an area, the greater the force of movement. But at a particular point, the water doesn't look so deep, and so doesn't seem particularly dangerous — until it...
Why is the temperature fairly constant for land masses surrounded by large bodies of water? Why does water from soil not evaporate? How did water come to be if it weren't for God? What is the difference between an artesian system and a water well? Is there any difference between the wat...
They can be a life-threatening disaster—or a pricey nuisance. Here’s what you need to know about the depressions and holes that can form beneath our feet.