When scene file loading fails, additional info on where is written to max.log 3dsmax.assert.log and DebugOutputString.Log were attempted to be created in 3dsmax root folder, but if root folder was under C:\Program Files creation of these files would fail. In this case, these files are ...
In this framework, this work presents a methodology to assess the Well-to-Wheel primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions of small heavy-duty vehicles. The methodology is applied in a real case study, namely a passenger coach traveling on a 100 km mission in non-optimized conditions. ...
Biomass use for energy and materials is, on the one hand, one of the key mitigation options to reach the 1.5 °C GMT target set in the Paris Agreement, as highlighted by the IPCC and many other key analyses. On the other hand, particularly in parts of the EU, a strong negative connot...
1.2. Local Governments and Critical Infrastructure The local scale is particularly important for risk reduction because most human experiences and decisions related to DRR happen at the local level [4,14–25]. At this scale, human security and quality of life depend partly on how local ...