什么是天堂(What is heaven) 什么是天堂(What is heaven) On the back page directory page What is heaven? Often hear Christians often say it, the most desirable places to go heaven, but you know what is heaven? For a long time, the Bible does not describe clearly what is heaven. The ...
What many though don’t think about is that “heaven” was created in the beginning with the earth. It is not something that exists eternally but rather a part of creation. The very first line of the Bible tells us: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”...
togo"heaven",butyouknowwhatis"heaven"? Foralongtime,theBibledoesnotdescribeclearlywhatis heaven.ThereasonisnotbecauseChristiansarecrazy,forsome specialabsolutelyignorantoftheworld.Butbecauseheaven ishardtoimaginetheplace,sotheBiblewillbedifficult tousethelanguagetosay.It'shardtoshowthatitisnot ...
“This is a key sense in which, for the Roman Christians, they were ‘in the world, but not of the world.’ They could not lend their approval to the activities of the temple – they stood for something quite different and their lives became a testimony to it. “When we stand against...
Is Heaven the Reward for the Saved? As Christians, we do indeed believe that heaven is the rewards for the saved. We can see this in many verses throughout the Bible. Time and time again there is evidence in scripture promising us our reward of being united with God in heaven. ...
Jesus is not coming back for the “Church Christian.” He is coming back for a pure and spotless bride, one full of his love and holiness. Heaven is not a cheap deal for the passive, who want to get in on lip service to God. ...
If the dead saints are resurrected to be in heaven, why did Paul not state that? Because it is not true. The fate of true Christians who die is to be resurrected to life. But to do what? To reign and rule with Jesus Christ on earth. “And have made us kings and priests to our...
For the entire Epistle (letter) see“Epistle to Diognetus“(Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson.) What is a Christian? “For the Christians are distinguished from other men neither by country, nor language, nor the customs which they observe. ...
Character is formed along the way, until we finally come face-to-face with the powerful God-figure at the end. This is the ‘narrow path’ described by Jesus in Matthew 7; he just forgot to mention the Munchkins. The Emerald City is heaven ...
How to Celebrate All Saints Day So, how should we think of All Saints Day? The 1662 Book of Common Prayer says the holiday stands for “the unity of Christians of all ages, countries, and races in Christ, and the perfection of that unity in heaven." It dates the holiday back to abou...