i long to see the sun i look after animals i look at them i look at you you bit i look greedy i look silly it is to i looked at cam i looked at kendra i looked at you you l i looked for a man am i looked older too i looked sick i lost my faith you g i loudly say i...
The Earth is like our mother.She gives live to all the living things on the Earth.And she provice us with air、food、water and other things we need for living.Once she was beautiful ahd rich.But mow she is crying, becacuse she is becoming dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It'...
i yeah i was learning i yearn for after let i yell after her i yune i animals - glasgow ill always know what ill put it in your ha ill tell you in my dr im edwin ill show you im the star in the no i d rather watch tv im so afraid to show id like to make an ap ill alw...
beabletosaveourselves.Abetter 12 ofanimalsgivesusabetterunderstandingofourown species.The 13 toprotectanimalsandnatureingeneral 14 thevalueofasociety.Andall animalsplayrolesinnatureandhavearightto 15 .Therefore,Ithinkweshouldtryourbest tosaveendangeredanimals,becausehumanscannotliveontheEarthalone. 30分钟能...
Carlson, again, said the size of the animals plays a factor, along with what they're temperatures normally acclimated to. "So if you do have smaller birds, chickens, you do want to provide some heat for them in the coop," Carlson said. "Safely provide some heat source, because those ...
After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. 晾干之后,再用高温烧制。然后再抛光和上色。 It takes several weeks to complete everything.These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty. ...
We can use the muscular force of animals like bullocks, horses, and camels to get the activities done. Thefrictional forceis another type of contact force, which acts between a pair of a surface in contact and tends to oppose the motion of one surface over the other. ...
I have traveled to many places-the jungles where the water is unsafe; places with the wildest animals. Friends always ask why I,a middle-aged woman with no athletic talent,go to such places. I never know how to answer - Just I want to put my toes in the mud of adventure. ...
Wool is a type of fabric derived from the hairs of various animals. While most people associate the word “wool” with sheep, there are, in fact, a variety of distinct types of wool that producers derive from animals other than sheep.
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