近日,美国总统特朗普在采访中再爆“金句”,一句“It is what it is”(情况就是这样)引发广泛吐槽。当地时间8月3日,在接受Axios on HBO节目主持人乔纳森·斯旺采访时,特朗普坚称,美国疫情尽在控制之中(it's under control)。对此,主持人反问,每天死1000多名美国人,这也能叫“控制”?"How? A thousa...
With HBO India's curated lineup, witnessing the sweeping landscapes of a distant planet or the bustling cityscape of a fictional metropolis is but a play button away. Embrace the journey through time and space, as every film screening becomes a new expedition, with stories that enrich, ...
近日,美国总统特朗普在采访中再爆“金句”,一句“It is what it is”(情况就是这样)引发广泛吐槽。 当地时间8月3日,在接受Axios on HBO节目主持人乔纳森·斯旺采访时,特朗普坚称,美国疫情尽在控制之中(it's under control)。 对此,主持人反问,...
The Brothers Bloom, 2008 (HBO) The Circle, 2017 (HBO) The Expendables 2, 2012 The Expendables 3, 2014 The Jacket, 2005 (HBO) The Kid, 2019 (HBO) The Wife, 2018 Trespass Against Us, 2016 (HBO) This is the End, 2013 Un Gallo Con Muchos Huevos ("A Brave Little Rooster"), 2015 (...
Set-top boxes will likely remain the most popular choice among consumers in the near future, while more TV and VOD services like Peacock, HBO Max and Disney Plus join rank among Netflix and Youtube. How Do I Get Started You can find IPTV set-top boxes almost anywhere online, including ...
Smart TVs have come a long way from the days of long load times. There are even apps that only work with newer smart TVs that you can now enjoy on your Samsung Smart TV, including Disney+, HBO Max and Apple TV, to name a few. ...
How do you stream content from Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO now and others, if they aren’t available in your location? This is a practice known as geoblocking, and thankfully there are a number of software tools that can help you bypass these restrictions. One of the most popular, whi...
How It Works: • Personalized Recommendations for TV & Movies: Start by selecting the streaming services you use, like Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, Netflix, Paramount+, and over 50 others. (NOTE: A paid subscription is required to watch some shows and movies; Watch...
In an interesting development, HBO created its own "ta-dum" sound when it launched its streaming service. Now, rather than show people the relatively dated concept of a static screen and the sound a tube TV makes while warming up, the company has a long "whomp" that plays whenever a use...
前言:原本写作这篇文章,只是想分享一下四年来我与正义联盟(Justice League)这部电影之间的事情,写完了却发现,如果读者不了解在这部电影上发生了什么事情,就无法理解我以及所有为这部电影的面世而努力过的粉丝们。所以呢,我就打算从最开始讲起,为各位解明围绕着正义联盟这部电影究竟发生了什么事情。当然,个人精力有限...