Hawaii Hawaii was the fiftieth state admitted into the Union, in 1959. It is an archipelago made up of eight large islands in the South Pacific, with its capital and largest city being Honolulu. Hawaii is home to many amazing and exotic land and sea animals. ...
What is the state motto of Kentucky? What is the state motto of Hawaii? What is the state tree of Washington? What is the state motto of Kansas? What is the state motto of Michigan? What is the state fish of Washington? What is the state bird of Washington?
Some coins are decorated with state emblems or state seals or with other official symbols of the state. Georgia’s quarter, for instance, includes the state tree, the state motto, and an image of the Georgia peach. Hawaii’s quarter includes the state motto as well, although it is in Haw...
The state of Arizona can be found in the southwestern United States, where it borders Mexico, New Mexico, California, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada. Most people know Arizona as the home of the Grand Canyon. Answer and Explanation: The blue palo verde is the state tree for the state of Arizo...
Housing is expensive in Hawaii. So are food, gasoline and other goods, because of the cost of transporting stuff to the remote islands. And, taxes are a financial strain, too. Federal and state taxes will have you saying aloha (meaning goodbye, in this case) to a big chunk of a $100...
united States Coast Guard: The United States Coast Guard was founded in 1915 (its precursor, the Revenue Marine, was created in 1790) and its headquarters are in Washington, DC. Its motto isSemper Paratus, which means 'always ready' in Latin. ...
November 26: The Japanese Hawaii task force leaves the Kurile Islands, bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Later in the day, in a note to the Japanese ambassador, U.S. secretary of state Cordell Hull demands the complete withdrawal of all Japanese troops from China. Japanese prime minister Hideki...
His motto (座右铭) was “I will think of it.” And he made his thoughts useful to himself and the world. Boys and girls, when you have a difficult lesson to learn, don’t lose heart, and don’t ask someone for help before helping yourselves. Think, and by thinking you will learn ...
There's more than one reason the capital of the Lone Star State tops our list of bachelorette party destinations. For brides who prefer a day in Brooklyn over Manhattan, this hip Texas town welcomes foodies and floaties. Getty Images Where to stay: Austin is the perfect city to find a co...
eToro is available in 46 states in the US, as well as Washington DC, however you won't be able to trade crypto if you live in Hawaii, Minnesota, Nevada, or New York.[2] eToro USA LLC and eToro USA Securities Inc. Buy $100 in Crypto and Get $10 Bonus from eToro USA LLC Fo...