They work very hard at getting things half done but are not happy unless something is amiss. No logic whatsoever. These idiot men basically are short circuited in the strangest way as opposed to normal guys. Good for nothing! Virgo demands by: Ozzie But deep down somewhere they also have ...
Every time,when the sun shining brightly,I know summer is coming.Though it is very hot,I still prefer summer.In hot summer,I like lying in the sunshine,sometimes.Because its too hot,I always stay for fifteen minutes.Always,you can see lots of people swimming in the sea,or in the swimm...
4. “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”—Marcus Aurelius 5. “Your life is in your hands; make of it what you choose.”— John Kehoe 6. “Life is what you make it. You are what your life makes you.”— Vidhi Tiwari 7. “Life is what you make it. Always has been, a...
Most of what we know about human life we know from asking people to remember the past, and as we know, hindsight is anything but20/20. We forget vast amounts of what happens to us in life, and sometimes memory is downrigh...
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”– Mohandas K. Gandhi Something that must come from within “People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to ...
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. — ...
It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who. . .drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime. —Susan B. Anthony 3 I don't know about calling yourself a feminist. I also, for me, it's difficult for ...
Over time, we inevitably learn that many aspects of life are out of our control; hence, it is what it is. Some people use this phrase as a way to communicate aninner peaceof mind with what is. For example, another adage suggests that two things are certain: death and taxes. ...
Finally Happy Quotes These inspirational quotes about doing what you love will always remind you to find your soul calling and pursue it. This is what will make you happy in life. Be it your job, a relationship, work, studies, you will eventually listen to your feelings, and do things wh...
Only the perseverant hold on dearly to them and never give them up.Without dreams, we wouldn't be living the happy life as we are now. So if you don't have a dream, make one and hold on to it and then spare no effort to pursue it in your whole life!