Instead of relying on the government to tell you what’s happening with inflation, you can actually track inflation on your own. Take a look at what you normally spend money on. Choose a certain day each month to check the prices of these items and create your own measure. You can watch...
What Is Happening to Growth and Inflation?COVID has amplified the shocks to the CFA economies. For the last decade, overall macroeconomic performance of the zone has resulted in lower growth over a longer period than in the non-CFA economies in Africa, but also lower inflation....
Subscribe to our FREE monthly E-zineand we will keep you up-to-date on what is happening in the area of inflation, interest rates and market trends. You may also enjoy: Webmasters- We would be happy to have you use any of our charts... please check ourusage policy. ...
A more sophisticated approach creates an embedded-cost analysis for further illumination about what is driving prices, what is happening with those cost drivers, and how to use these insights in negotiations (see sidebar, “Questions an embedded-cost analysis can help answer”). Thes...
"Having your eyes focused on your spending is always a good strategy," said Susan Greenhalgh, an accredited financial counselor who runs Mind Your Money LLC in Rhode Island. "You really can't understand what's happening with your money unless you're really looking at it and measuring ...
For the third consecutive year, the 2023 Legatum Prosperity Index finds that prosperity continues to plateau around the world, with the primary reason being a general trend towards the deterioration of institutions and democratic processes. This year, we find the following: ...
whats citizens united whats good here in in whats happening whats in store whats on the agenda f whats the weather tod whats this in english whats wrong with u whats your problem whatswrongwithit what-ifs what im serious whatareyoudoing whatcanshedo whatcolorsizestyledoy whatcolorwouldyoulike...
Navigating the uncharted route to a soft landing, in which inflation cools without flatlining the overall economy, does not come without its fair share of backseat drivers. Practically half of Wall Street thinks his rate hikes have cribbed progress, while the other half contends that scaling...
elections, Biden’s withdrawal is unprecedented. What does this decision reveal about the current societal and political challenges in the U.S.? Many basic institutions of the U.S. government have been compromised David Blair: We've never seen anything like what's been happening in the U.S....
As the saying goes, “One person’s expenditure is another’s income.” Now envision this happening every day across the country among millions of consumers and businesses. Consumer spending accounts for about 70% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), and can be a major force to stimulate...