What Was the Fuss? Clarence Thomas, jurist of principle.Charles Krauthammer
The Flap over Clarence Thomas Heat Raised by His Stands Masks Larger Issue: What Criteria Should a Justice Meet? SUPREME COURT NOMINATION
‘Follow the money’: What Clarence Thomas and those MAGA influencers have in common 05:33 Share this - Copied Chris Hayes on the Russian campaign to pay MAGA pundits to spread Putin propaganda—and why all those "gifts" to a Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas aren't...
Hill:When I wrote the book, I did decide that I was going to focus on what happens in this country, because I think in order to really address what’s going on around the globe, as we become part of what is happening to women in Afghanistan and women in other countries where...
The giddy drive to make all American civic strife a team sport or a cartoon — complete with stock heroes and stock villains — is both the funniest and most dangerous thing happening in year 2023. Don’t miss it. — Holden M. Oliver, April 6, 2023 ...
Justice Clarence Thomas has generated the attention that most Justices receive only after they have retired. He has been boycotted by the National Bar Association, caricatured as a lawn jockey in Emerge Magazine, and protested by professors at an elite law school. As a general matter, Justice ...
For history this month, I read the first six chapters ofThe Age of Revolutionby Winston Churchill. This is the third book in the series and is read over the entire year. Usually at this point in history, we turn to America and all that was happening in the colonies. It was fascinating...
must be arranged, which is Osby’s task for the day. “What I’m trying to do is get an established line on where these folks hang out at, how they live. So when the time comes, I have a better grasp on how to stay in touch with them, as opposed to them disappearing on me....
For the birth of something new, there has to be a happening. Newton saw an apple fall; James Watt watched a kettle boil; Roentgen fogged some photographic plates. And these people knew enough to translate ordinary happenings into something new. — Alexander Fleming 198 One of the weaknesses...
ANOTHER SCOTUS EYEBROW-RAISER —JusticeCLARENCE THOMASfailed to repay a lot, or maybe all, of a very cushy 1999 loan he got for a pricey luxury RV, instead getting the debt forgiven several years later, Senate Finance Dems alleged in a new report yesterday. That is “an outcome with ethica...