The person I want to talk about is my best friend, who is my classmate from uni. He has been known as the mastermind in our class since day 1 we met.地点: The place/building/city/country I want to talk about is ... (地名), which is located in the... (地理位置) + 简单印象 ...
it is also true that their main objective is to sell newspapers and bring in more listeners and viewers to their stations and favour a particular political ideology. For that, they often use confusing news headlines and reports that have ...
What is a good percentile on the GRE? Just like a good GRE score overall, a “good” percentile on the GRE general test varies a lot, depending both on the school and the type of program. Percentiles and exam scores will be different for each section of the exam. To get an idea of...