Craig Murray, president of the Sears Point Raceway, had offered his land at no cost on the following conditions: that the proper health and safety clearances be obtained from the cities of Marin and Vallejo, and from the Highway Patrol; that the Stones provide some 100 security officers who ...
Paying attention to what's happening right here and right now, which is this physical body, whatever sensations there might be, and breathing. Most of the stuff that is going on in our mind is not about what is happening right here and right now. Ch eck it out some- time and see; ...
The 2nd Annual San Antonio Pop Conis almost upon us, happening at the downtown Central Library, this Saturday, February 16th, from 9am-4pm. As you can see above, the roster of artists and authors is EPIC — ranging from legends like Michael Moorcock and Gregory Manchess to bestsellers s...