Before colonization by Belgium in the 19th century, what is now called the Democratic Republic of Congo was a group of kingdoms. People had lived in the area for over 90,000 years. Under the rule of King Leopold II of Belgium, the area was explored by the explorer Henry Morton Stanley ...
What was happening politically when Charles Dickens was writing? Charles Dickens: Charles Dickens began his education at the age on nine, attending the William Giles's School. Dickens would later attend the Wellington House Academy, but left school at fifteen to earn money for his family. ...
What’s happening in America is not unique. Inflation, immigration, and populism are reshaping Europe, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Venezuela. Americans see those issues as domestic crises, but they reflect a global trend. Inflation is a symptom of deep str...
and that is clearly what is happening in the new unitary authority areas secondly the problem is that we don’t know how much money has been saved. We know that in many council areas many services, and the cost of providing them, have been moved to the town and parish councils. So how...
they need somewhere to stay, and they need physical stability and sustenance. They may need transportation to get to safe havens. This took place in Türkiye and Syria astens of thousands of international aid teams came to help from all over the world.It’s happening now in Los Angeles Coun...
Globalization is driven by the convergence of cultural and economic systems. This convergence promotes -- and in some cases necessitates -- increased interaction, integration and interdependence among nations. The more countries and regions of the world become intertwined politically, culturally and econo...
Asylum claims at Canadian airports are skyrocketing: Here's why it's happeningAdvertisement 4 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.Article content One of Ford’s strengths, evident this week, is his blunt way of speaking. In an era of...
The giddy drive to make all American civic strife a team sport or a cartoon — complete with stock heroes and stock villains — is both the funniest and most dangerous thing happening in year 2023. Don’t miss it. — Holden M. Oliver, April 6, 2023 ...
Thank you for keeping us up to date on what is happening in the match. Curious developments indeed. John Nunn makes many sensible comments about the procedural improprieties that occurred after Topalov complained and the rights of Kramnik, but there is one point that doesn't appear to have be...
Irreconcilable remainers have shown ever since the Referendum that they were not willing to accept the result and are demonstrating their resolution in that intention to prevent it happening as I write – a Sunday Express article of 23 March claims that the Government is already plotting to bind...