“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” This text is calling us to not only have no association with any type of dark activity BUT ALSO to shed light on this topic to those around us. As stated earlier in this article, Halloween was not...
The countdown is officially on to Halloween, and now's the time to start planning yourcostume and organizing yourHalloween party. But, in the flurry of last-minute activity, you might be wondering what, exactly, is Halloween, and why do we celebrate it every year?
Relation to Halloween History of All Saints Day How to Celebrate All Saints Day "For All the Saints" Hymn This holiday is a yearly reminder of our connectedness as Christians to the church. Perhaps you were taught to think of saints as statues in a church building. But the Bible teaches ...
What Christians Should Know about HalloweenJustin Holcomb
W: Halloween is one of the oldest holidays still celebrated today. It’s one of the most popular holidays, second only to Christmas. While millions of people celebrate Halloween without knowing its origins and myths, the history and facts of Halloween make the holiday more attractive. Some peop...
Halloween is a beloved autumnal holiday observed in numerous countries around the world, and while Halloween traditions may differ around the world, the end of October and the beginning of November have been significant celebrations for a very long time
Be prepared to give your child information. Tell them the history of Halloween in an age-appropriate way (HEREis a great source). I like to say to my boys,“Halloween is a time where some choose to celebrate darkness and death. But Jesus says, “I am here to bring light in this wor...
The American popularity ofHalloweenis getting bigger and bigger. We spend billions of dollars annually on Halloween, but is it something Christians should be participating in? Here are a fewHalloween factsto consider: Halloween is mostly a western custom and it has no direct reference in the Bibl...
About Halloween:: what’s a Christian family to do? Our daughter was invited to her first Halloween party when she was 8 months old, where she was,no doubt, the cutest ladybug ever. Before we had a child, my husband and I were pretty unenthusiastic about Halloween. As Christians, we ...
The name Halloween is Scottish in origin and is short for "All Hallow's Eve," the night before "All Hallow's Day," or All Saint's Day. That day was set by Pope Boniface IV to honor the Catholic saints, and also to replace a Roman pagan festival of the dead (which had...