Back in print-only days, column width of one and a half alphabets (39 characters) was regarded as the pivot from which comprehension gradually decreased (in proportion to less or more than 39 characters) so, for example, column widths of 20 or 100 characters are near incomprehensible. For ...
1chisusuallywider than the average character width, usually by around 20-30%. But there are at least a few typefaces where the zero symbol is skinny with respect to the other letterforms; in such a case,1chis narrower than the average character width. Trajan Pro is one example I found...
torre, widespread across these individual abstract characters lies a subtle magic, where as a civilisation we have collectively ingrained an “immense meaning” into the bars (the horizontal strokes of the letterforms) and tittles (the dots of the “j”s and “i”s) found in our alphabets. ...