解析:原文指出城市里的风车要比海边的风车便宜一半多:“Now turbines are migrating into the city and these ones will cost less than half the price of their sea-based siblings.”。siblings指“兄弟姐妹”,在这句话中代指前面的turbines。wind turbines,“风力发电机”,“风力涡轮机”。 知识模块:段落...
Multifarious language is used throughout the papers to describe the child who has harmed and the child who has been harmed through abusive sibling sexual behaviour. It is difficult to find language that accurately and satisfactorily describes the roles of the children in the abuse, as children and...
Yes, siblings with one common parent are called half-siblings. 12 Are second cousins the offspring of first cousins? No, second cousins are the children of one's parents' first cousins. 9 How many parents do full Siblings share? Full siblings share both parents. 9 Can the term Sibling be...
A brother is specifically a male sibling within a family. His older brother always looked out for him during their school years. 9 Sibling Siblings can be full, half, step, or adopted, emphasizing the variety of family structures. His adopted sibling has been part of the family since he wa...
certain cases, if one spouse lived separately for over half a year, and there are dependents involved, one spouse might qualify as "head of household," which allows for additional tax benefits. Note that selecting a status that doesn't match your actual circumstances is prohibited by the IRS...
1.The survey was distributed to over 1000 people, but unfortunately, only about half of the ( participants ) completed it correctly. 2.Is there any (correlation ) between gender and personality traits? 3.When I don’t understand something even after the teacher has explained it twice, I fee...
Jessica, only child, Chicago Illinois / My classmate Jin-Mo is cousin of Kevin She sings her ‘bio’ to the tune of a catchy Korean oldie. Ki- Woo joins. Silly. Ridiculous. But you can sense a real sibling bond. 23. Finally Ki-Woo presses the button, and the DOORBELL rings thr...
Sexual behavior by cats is a pretty gnarly business. A male waits for his moment and then darts after the female, pouncing on her from behind, biting her in the neck and pinning her to the ground, while he intromits his barbed penis. As he withdraws, the
Far less annoying than its seemingly-ubiquitous red-hued sibling, the green light is of course the signal on a traffic light that tells drivers to go. Figuratively,green lightrefers to authority or permission to proceed. It's also used as a verb. To green-light something, such as a projec...
Even if finances are not currently an issue, they will become one unless you put proper attention intoestate planning. If one sibling from a family is taking on the majority of the burden of care for an elderly parent, then it is worth discussing the estate in that context. The sibling ...