GTLGroup Term Life(payroll taxable benefit) GTLGenetic Testing Laboratories(various locations) GTLGoing through Life GTLGas-To-Liquid technology(natural gas, synthesis gas) GTLGem Trade Laboratory(Gemological Institute of America) GTLGreen Tea Lemonade(drink) ...
But all that green talk for the benefit of the public doesn’t jibe with their internal assessments. ABloomberg Green analysisof internal Exxon documents reveals that the projected emissions of the Texas facility — touted as a gift of clean energy — are on par with those of a coal-fired ...
Beyond automated testing is the potential for supporting DER and other regulators’ analyses and reviews. Since these stakeholders are tasked with being the gatekeepers for safety and reliability, they too greatly benefit from robust modeling and the ability to validate any number of complex interaction...
Regardless of the validity of those arguments, it does appear that the oil is now going to be fed as it is produced to two new refineries that have been planned in the Kingdom. These are at Jubail, which is expected to be completed in 2013 and will handle 400 kbd of oil, and the ...
- What resources and energy does a given activity need, and can this activity be further broken down (e.g. breaking energy consumption down by food type reveals that meat and vegetables may benefit from changes, but grains probably would not). - Is there a need for this activity to be ...
"GTM is honored to be one of the few vendor companies to be awarded the RASBIC. Global Talent Metrics and Accenture share 2011 Recruitment and Selection Best in Class Award at the World HRD Congress in Mumbai CRISIL believes that Tessitura will continue to benefit from the technological, operat...
Some refinery gain is due to the addition of hydrogen but typically this is 2-3% of the overall mass flow. Refiners love to sell in units of volume as they can benefit form the sleight of hand of selling a less dense and lower energy product to unsuspecting drivers. When energy density ...