Recovering From Grief & Loss The death of a loved one is heartbreaking, and the grieving period can seem never-ending. But, for many, this is the time they lean most heavily on their faith to help them get through this taxing time. However, sometimes the grief is just too deep to fin...
What Works in Grief Counselling: US Evidence and Australian ExperienceDavid Morawetz
Emotional pain is something we need to pay more attention to in our field. We need to make space for each other to feel things, especially grief. We need to allow our colleagues to stay home when they lose a beloved pet, a childhood friend, an uncle, but especially a student or collea...
Ecological grief is felt in response to ecological losses, and it reveals how people’s identities and life structures are rooted in place.
But one thing that is common to the many different grief theories out there and to the personal experiences of so many grievers is that grief requires time. Be it stages, tasks, or processes, we need time to attend to each loss. If we don’t have the time we need before another ...
The concept of “getting over” the death of a loved one is a myth. The pain softens from the unbearable anguish of the earliest days, but the loss is forever and so the grief is forever, waxing and waning from day to day—sometimes minute to minute. ...
Anxiety is a common reason for people seeking therapy and it can be very effective in reducing or eliminating symptoms over a short time, and also allowing those who have been suffering to regain a sense of control over their lives.
Well, for starters, understanding that grief can be more complicated and difficult when is disenfranchised can help a person feel a little more normal if they are experiencing it. Perhaps a loss you experienced that falls into one of the above categories is feeling uniquely difficult compared to...
Such treatments may include counselling, psychotherapy, or CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). These come in many forms and for different lengths of time and include group and online therapy. Treatment may also introduce somemindfulness practice, which is learning to be aware of yourself and your ...
Grief 4 Min Read Surviving a Surprise Breakup: The Art of Moving On A breakup can reveal more about self, desires, and needs for the next relationship. Grief 6 Min Read What Is Ambiguous Grief and How to Begin Healing Without societal norms to engage, a loss wit...